Meadow Sports Tournament 2024
(22nd & 23rd June & 30th June)
We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to our annual Meadow Sports Football Club Summer Tournament 2024.
Registrations will be limited to FA affiliated grassroots teams, no academies will be entered. All players must hold a current registration for their respective teams.
Registration is £45 per team.
As always at the MSFC Tournament you will enjoy longer game times, bigger goals and less waiting time in between games.
It promises to be another great event, providing small sided games for U6 to U18 age groups across two weekends.
We are also delighted to be offering 5 Girls age groups- U9/U10, U11, U13, U15, U16/U18
(Note that all Sunday games are 6-a-side on quarter pitches)
*Age groups are based on this seasons
Please book on our online booking system; SportsReg - Meadow Sports FC Summer Tournament 2024 (22nd & 23rd June & 30th June)
If your age group is full please email Tournament Organiser Craig on meadowtournament@gmail.com to be added to the waiting list.
Tournament Information:
Saturday 22nd June AM- U12*, U13, U15 Girls
Saturday 22nd June PM- U13 Girls*, U14, U15
Saturday games will be full size goals on half pitches, 7-a-side (* except U13 GIRLS and U12 Boys who will play with 9v9 goals)
Sunday 23rd June AM- U6, U7, U8, U9/U10 Girls
Sunday 23rd June PM- U9, U10, U11 Girls, U11
Sunday games will be mini-soccer goals, quarter pitches and 6-a-side for all ages/teams
Sunday 30th June AM- U16, U18
Sunday 30th Julne PM - U16/U18 Girls, U17
Games will be full size goals on half pitches, 7-a-side
Teams: Maximum of 12 teams in each age group
Fixtures: 5 Group games, + (subject to final confirmation)
Cup, Trophy & Plate semi finals & Finals depending on final group standings
Games: 10 minute fixtures (subject to final confirmation)
Formats: U6s - U11s : 6v6 (7-a-side goals)
U12 Boys + U13 GIRLS: 7v7 (9-a-side goals)
U13s - U18s + U15 Girls & U16/U18 GIRLS: 7v7 (11-a-side goals)
Squad size: U6s - U11s and U9/U10 & U11 GIRLS: Maximum 9 players
U12s – U18s: Maximum 10 players
Competition: U6s Non competitive Festival
U7s – U18s: Competitive Tournament
Tournament Facilities:
Changing Rooms: 6 large changing rooms with use of showers
Club House: Warm friendly environment with Licensed Bar, large screen T.V.s and toilets
Parking: On-site parking with access for over 250 vehicles
Medical: Medical Room with First Aid assistance on site
Food & drink: Including BBQ, ice-creams, hot/cold drinks etc